HEART stands for Health Education Africa Resource Team. Founded by Vickie Winkler in February 2000, HEART is empowering the people of Africa to survive the HIV/AIDS pandemic by providing medical care, education, and income generating activities to create a healthy, sustainable, disease-free life.
They have offices in California, Colorado, and Kenya. The compound and lodge in Nairobi, Kenya serve as the headquarters for Africa. Their dream is to eventually open offices and ministries in every nation in Africa.

HEART is a Christian humanitarian organization dedicated to empowering the people of Africa to survive the HIV/AIDS pandemic.
There are so many ways you can make a difference: short-term mission trips, internships, host a fundraiser, join the volunteer staff and spread the word.
HEART is a registered 501(c)(3) nonprofit organization. You can give with confidence knowing that HEART’s finances are audited annually by an external CPA.